My Gripes about "Life" Part 1

What is the point of "Life"?

Life. The one thing man has never been able to understand, and the one thing the world, me included, likes to complain about. "Why are we here?" "Why is it so fragile?" "Why do things happen the way they do?" "Life sucks!" "Life's a bitch. Then you die." "Life is like a flower, people pick you apart to anwer their own questions." My biggest question is: What is the point????? I know that sounds suicidal, believe me I'm not, but it goes with "why are we here?" Some people say it is to live life to it's fullest. THAT IS NOT AN ANWSER!!! How can you live what you don't understand? How can you live if you don't understand life? Others say it is to worship God. As a Catholic, I believe God created everything around us.(except this page, that was mostly me but He helped) My personal belief is God wouldn't create the world just to worship Him. Why would He give His son for that? I don't know why God created the world. If I did, I probably wouldn't understand. I don't understand why God does what he does, so I don't understand life. Does anyone?

Mike Martin

Written September 6, 1999